Monday, May 17, 2010
Differents and similar between Life of Pi and Law of Life
I think the significant about the similarities between the Life of Pi and The Law of Life was these both stories have the same way on surviving in a tough situation, like cold winter and hot summer. The significant about the different between Life of Pi and The Law of Life was Pi never give up to die, this will make Pi having a mental on surviving. But Old Koskoosh just give up to die, If he never give up and go back to the tribe told them that why weaker must be left out? Weaker still can have a freedom to choose survival. This might make Old man survivial and the tradition might gone.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Connected between MAZE and my life
"It was the last day of September. Blue Canyon was on a week's break between school sessions. Breaks were inherently unstable and dangerous. He would lift weights for an hour in the gym and spend the rest of the time in the library - those were the only two place he felt safe. Those were the place where people minded their own business. In the weight secion of the gym even the most aggressive guys focused on themselves, not on anyone else. The library was intolerably boring unless you were actually going to read. And guys who liked to read weren't the kind look for trouble. Hanging out in the TV room - that was entirely different. Guys blurted things out at the TV, at each other. People got offtended very easily. Fights start over nothing and got bloody fast." This show where the main character weak in physically, and smart in mental. Same as me, whenever I have a Speech, I often stay in a side because I don't want to be pick.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Respond to Reading

I have read the book called "MAX" by James Patterson. This is the second book for THE PROTECTORS. So far I have read about someone or something is decimating ships and sea life off Hawaii's coast, and Max and her flock findind themselves sucked into the Navy's top-secret investigation of the catastrophe. I like this book because it was about six people that has wings rescuing Max's activisit mom from a wicked subterranean enemy.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I have read the book called MAZE. I have found one quote on the book cover "When your life is a maze, you need wings" I think this quote mean when you confuse on your life, you need something to help you to solve it. Or if you have a problem, you need something or someone help you together to solve the problem. Rick Walker (main character of my book) feels that his life is a maze. He's been bounced around from one foster family to another and is sent to a detention center for hard-core juvenile offenders after committing a petty offense. After he reports corruption at the facility, the boy is forced to flee for his life and ends up in an isolated part of Utah's canyon country, near an area called the Maze. This quote connect it to Life of Pi, where Pi find himself in a lifeboat, he must found a way to land. They are connected by looking for a way to slove their problem. I just start reading the book, it might have more quote later on. I will going to find out soon ^-^.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Blog Assessment #C
I think what will happen to Alex in next year is he would becoming a real spy, a spy that no one can force him to do any thing. Because in the book, M16 force Alex to become a spy, and during the mission I think Alex have like the job of spy. So in next year, he might become a spy. In 5 years Alex might having a similiar life to the normal person, which go to college. Because after being a spy, he might understand how dangerous it was and he doesn't want to be like his uncle(die during his last mission.) There for he might quit the job and go to college. In the next 10 years Alex might find his lover and get married. Because he was the only person in his family, somehow he might get a girlfriend and get married to make the home have more fun.
Blog Assessment #B
This book is about Alex finding the true of his uncle car accident and becoming a fourteen year old spy. This book should be fun to read to the people who likes mission, or to the people that likes spy. I will recommend this book because it is about ADVENTURE, which Alex has facing many problem and solve them all. My favorite part were the part where Alex being a spy and complete the last mission of his uncle's job. I think the weaknesses of this book were how come a 14 year old boy become a spy, don't that kind of dangerous to a kid? The auther should move the age little bit higher.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stormbreaker is a book that about a fourteen year old Alex Rider finding the truth of his uncle Ian died in a car accident. Alex found bullet holes in his uncle's windshield confirm his suspicions. But nothing prepares him for the new that the uncle he always thought he knew was really a spy for M16 - Britain's top-secret intelligence agency. Recruited to find his uncle's killer and complete Ian's final mission, Alex suddnly finds himself caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse, with no way out. Those three picture was the movie of Stormbreaker, and now I am reading the book, later on I will see the moive too. To see what was the different between book and movie.
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