Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blog Assessment #C

I think what will happen to Alex in next year is he would becoming a real spy, a spy that no one can force him to do any thing. Because in the book, M16 force Alex to become a spy, and during the mission I think Alex have like the job of spy. So in next year, he might become a spy. In 5 years Alex might having a similiar life to the normal person, which go to college. Because after being a spy, he might understand how dangerous it was and he doesn't want to be like his uncle(die during his last mission.) There for he might quit the job and go to college. In the next 10 years Alex might find his lover and get married. Because he was the only person in his family, somehow he might get a girlfriend and get married to make the home have more fun.

Blog Assessment #B

This book is about Alex finding the true of his uncle car accident and becoming a fourteen year old spy. This book should be fun to read to the people who likes mission, or to the people that likes spy. I will recommend this book because it is about ADVENTURE, which Alex has facing many problem and solve them all. My favorite part were the part where Alex being a spy and complete the last mission of his uncle's job. I think the weaknesses of this book were how come a 14 year old boy become a spy, don't that kind of dangerous to a kid? The auther should move the age little bit higher.